Carbohydrates: What You must know
by: Gary Matthews
This scares me to death, every day you walk down the street it is becoming more and more apparent that the average person is becoming larger and this trend has escalated over recent years. Why are they getting fatter? Here are some reasons.
Obesity and Children
by: Glenda Erceg
Obesity often gets its start in childhood. Obesity becomes a problem for children and this problem often continues as the child becomes older. There are some things you can do to prevent obesity in children. Childhood and adolescence is difficult enough without adding obesity to the mix.
Are You At Risk Of Contracting Diabetes
It is unbelievable, but today there are at least 20 million people living with diabetes in America and the sad part is that it was possible to prevent and heal pre-diabetes and diabetes type 2 naturally with balanced nutrition, and basic exercise.
Is Arthritis Causing You Pain?
Arthritis, even a mild case is no fun. Arthritis is painful and can have a negative effect on your life. There are some things you can try to lessen the pain of arthritis. Some remedies do not require a prescription. Talk to your doctor if you have questions about any arthritis solutions.
Avoid the Thirties Fat Traps
It's amazing how excess weight creeps up on you in your thirties without you becoming aware of it. Suddenly you catch sight of yourself in a shop window or you see a picture taken at your friends wedding and you can't believe how much larger you've become. How did that happen? It feels like pounds of fat appeared overnight.